Why some tooth extraction are more difficult that the others ?

Why some tooth extraction are difficult than the others ?? This is the question the patients frequently asks their dentist … as why some of their teeth come off easily and quickly while others seem to be tedious and painful.

How difficult an extraction is will depend on you, your mouth, the tooth and the dentist. Here are some factors to think about:

– Age. As you get older, your bone tends to be less forgiving and more brittle which can mean fractures become slightly more likely to both teeth and jaw.

– Ethnic background. Heavily built men, have very solid dense bone that can make for a real workout.

Your mouth:

-The further back and the smaller your mouth, the more difficult the extraction is for the dentist.

– Impacted wisdom teeth, particularly lower third molars are often tricky because of their position at the back of the mouth.

– The size of the tongue and position of the other teeth will also have an impact on the amount of space for putting the instruments in.The tooth- If a tooth has been standing on its own for some time and taking a lot of force.

– A surgical extraction is going to be more difficult – where you may need cutting of the bone.

– The tooth may have come out fully through the gum.

– Large cavities, extensively filled teeth and those which are cracked or showing signs of fracture. These are all more likely to fracture during extraction.

– Having had the nerve supply removed during the root canal procedure, the teeth become much more brittle and prone to fracture.

– Extensive dental caries throughout the tooth will make the tooth very weak and more likely to fracture.

– If your tooth is already moving because of bone loss from gum disease, the extraction is likely to be very simple.The vast majority of teeth are removed fairly simply by a general dentist. Sometimes, the actual pulling part of the procedure takes less time than the ‘going numb’ bit and the ‘getting you to stop bleeding bit’ afterwards.