Dental Crowding .. Is wisdom tooth the reason ?


People always asking dentists,why they have crowded teeth specially in front teeth.The Crowding of teeth is divided into primary,secondary and tertiary.if you read them all you can have imagination of all causes.
Primary(hereditary) crowding is determined genetically from parents and family members and is caused by mismatched sized teeth and jaws. For example,we inherit our father’s small jaw or mother’s big teeth or both of them at once.
Secondary crowding is an acquired problem caused by forward movement of the back teeth after early loss of milk teeth in the back portion.
Tertiary crowding is still under debate.This type of crowding— primarily in the lower jaw front teeth— occurs during and after adolescence and was previously thought to be associated with third molar eruption.
For quite some time, there has been a popular belief that wisdom teeth push the teeth in front of them as they come into the mouth,causing the front teeth to crowd.So some general dentists, orthodontists and oral surgeons recommend the extraction of wisdom teeth as a preventative measure to safeguard against the recurrence of crowding after orthodontic treatment.
There is now a well-documented body of research evidence disproving the theory that wisdom teeth exert enough pressure to affect the movement of the front teeth.Current well-validated studies tracking patients for over 25 years have determined that teeth will move forward throughout life naturally, regardless of whether or not if wisdom teeth are present.2 phenomena seem to occur, with the teeth all moving slightly forward over time and the distance between the lower canine teeth getting narrower over the years.This seems to happen even in people who are missing all their back teeth!
This is why many adult patients who have had their wisdom teeth removed still see crowding of their front teeth occur as time goes on.We see many adult patients who had relatively straight teeth as teenagers coming to correct new crowding that has developed,especially in the lower front teeth.It is still not completely understood why this happens,but we know that presence of the wisdom teeth are not usually directly related.